South Korean tech giant LG has announced new party speakers in its X-Boom series priced at Rs 18,999. The ON2D model speakers come with a 16.5cm woofer that claims to boost the overall sound performance. There are built-in karaoke features and vocal sound control options.
These can be used to adjust and microphone volume separately. The speaker supoport playback connectivity options like USB and Bluetooth. They can be connected to DVD/CD, FM and TV.
The speakers come with a built-in feature called Bass Blast+ that claims to ensure deep bass sound quality. Other functionalities of ON2D model include 2 mic ports and 9 Echo effects. The 2 mic ports can allow users to sing duets with two ports.
The new XBoom ON2D speaker also has phone cradle option for users to keep their mobile phones safe. It can also be connected to a TV via Bluetooth, Aux-in and HDMI out.
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