How To Play Among Us

in the event that you become a crewmate, see at the left top corner, there will be “Errands”. To find those errands at the correct top corner under settings there is a guide. In the event that you become a faker quest for a single-player and execute. you can utilize harm cross ones are entryways and different ones are harm a framework. you can likewise utilize vents(the silver box with lines) to really like transport. on the off chance that you see a body, the report choice likewise comes, tap it. Advise who is the killer(impostor)according to you and recall, no one but impostors can vent. on the off chance that you see somebody vent the assemble a conference.

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Among us is a social deduction game made by inner sloth also known for the henry stickman collection social deduction games have been around for a long time you may recognize games. like mafia werewolf or secret hitler a group of players must engage, in simple gameplay objectives all the while being unaware that a subset of their group is secretly against them and among us is no different so in today’s video, we’ll go over everything you need to know to get started in the game up to 10 players, will enter into a map and must complete all of their given tasks shown in the top left of your screen the tasks are simple and include things like dumping trash, fixing wiring or uploading data while the tasks are being completed.

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any imposters that are posing as crewmates must try to kill crewmates without being seen if the number of impostors is ever equal to the number of crewmates the game. will be over and the imposters will win so if there is one imposter in a group of 10, players then the impostor must kill eight players to win once a crewmate is killed. their body will be left on the ground any player including the imposters can report the body which triggers a discussion an imposter then can kill someone and, immediately report it to feign innocence you then discuss what you saw and can vote to eject a player if you think they are an imposter the crewmates will win if they, complete all of their tasks or eject all imposters to aid in their tasks imposters can sabotage doors lights or communications to limit the crewmates they can trigger a crisis like ending the oxygen which forces crewmates to go fix it or they will all die and the imposters will win this gives you the chance as an imposter to trigger. a crisis on the other side of the map so you can kill a crewmate elsewhere keep in mind that imposters can’t actually do tasks but they can do emergency tasks to end a crisis but just because you are out of sight as an impostor doesn’t mean you are safe each map has security cameras in the security room that can be seen by the crewmates which will be inactive by default and show a blinking red light when someone is currently watching them.

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